Keeping chickens and small livestock
If you have the space, you may be able to produce your own eggs, meat or even dairy products. You do not necessarily need a great deal of space for chickens, as a few birds can be kept in a movable house and run, or ark.
If you don't have the time or space to look after chickens on your own, you may want to consider setting up a chicken co-op, as a group of neighbours in Glastonbury have done. Each member takes it in turns to look after the chickens for a day a week, and can keep the eggs they collect. If you would like to contact them for advice, call Michelle on 01458 835001 or Karin on 01458 835818.
The Poultry Club of Great Britain: For guidance on welfare, housing, selecting breeds and more.
Omlet sells a range of 'eglu' chicken houses, which can be suitable for small gardens, and also offers information on getting started with keeping chickens and everyday care.
Low Impact Living Initiative: This website has a list of links to useful websites for advice and information on keeping bees, pigs, goats and other livestock.