November 2008
Action plan name
Local Biodiversity Action Plan (LBAP)
For each LBAP, there are a number of actions that are cross cutting between all of the Species Action Plans (SAPs) and Habitat Action Plans (HAPs) and relate to the day-to-day functions of the Mendip District Council, particularly in relation to development planning and policy.
The following actions are taken from the Somerset Biodiversity Strategy and detail how planning authorities should safeguard and seek to enhance biodiversity in their work. Many of these actions are simply what is necessary to comply with the law or guidelines, eg
· The Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981
· Natural Environment and Rural Communities Act 2006 (NERC Act)
· EU Habitats Directive
· Planning Policy Statement 9
Plan species and habitats
County wide
Ditches & Ponds (focusing on rare plants and invertebrates)
Gardens & Urban Greenspace
Hedgerows & Hedgerow Trees
Roadside Verges & Greenlanes
Traditional Orchards
Water & Wetlands
Wood Pasture, Parkland & Veteran Trees
Somerset Bats
Mendip District Council
Calcareous & Neutral Grassland
Field Boundaries (dry stone walls)
Purple Moor & Rush Pasture
Long-eared Owl
Mendip Bats
Mendip species and habitats by Parish
Appendix 1 is a list by Parish showing where the Mendip species currently exist or could thrive, and where the Mendip habitats are present or could be created.
Proposed partners
· The Local Authority – Mendip District Council (MDC)
· Somerset County Council (SCC)
· Somerset Wildlife Trust (SWT)
· Somerset Environmental Records Centre (SERC)
· Natural England (NE)
· The Environment Agency (EA)
Target description and target goals
To fully comply with Planning Policy Statement 9 and its accompanying circular
Target goal
Reduction in biodiversity loss from development and an increase in the number of significant developments where biodiversity is enhanced
Greater recognition of biodiversity and BAP criteria in the planning process.
Target goal
Fewer developments affecting Local Wildlife Sites (LWS) and BAP priority habitats
Ensure that the achievement of the BAP is an aim in the Community Strategy
Target goal
1 relevant aim in the Community Strategy
Greater recognition of Strategic Natures Areas (SNAs) and Nature Map
Target goal
Incorporate SNAs and NatureMap as an integral component into the Local Development Framework (LDF) for consideration in planning proposals.
More detailed survey information on the extent and quality of habitats within the county
Target goal
Survey the extent and condition of priority habitats within SNAs, ensuring all areas close to towns are fully monitored.
Key factors
· Transfer of information (landowner details for SERC use, management plans etc)
· Training for staff involved in processing planning applications. Must understand the range of legislation and agreements that discourage or disallow development on certain habitats. In house Ecologists make this much easier.